We introduce the president of the Global Forum of Women in Law (GFOWL) 2025, Judge Carla Maria Santos dos Reis.
She holds a degree in Law and Pedagogy from the Federal University of Amazonas, with a master's degree in Family Law and Social Relations from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo.
She entered the judiciary in 1989, being the first place in the public competition, and began her career as a judge in the Urucurituba District and later served as the holder of the 2nd Court of the Itacoatiara District, where she was also an electoral judge. In the Second Degree, in the Manaus District, she was a judge of the 1st Family, Succession and Public Registry Court. She was the first judge of the Domestic and Family Violence Court against Women, known as the “Maria da Penha Court,” and served as a judge of the Childhood and Youth Court. She also worked as an electoral judge in the 58th Electoral Zone of Manaus.
In 2010, she was promoted to the position of appellate judge. From July 2020 to 2022, she served as vice president of TJAM. She currently serves on the First Criminal Chamber of TJAM; chairs the Commission for Combating and Addressing Moral and Sexual Harassment and Discrimination - TJAM; the Commission on Justice and Memory of the Court; the Telecommuting Commission of the Amazonian Judiciary; and the Commission on Female Participation. In the Electoral Court, she was elected vice president and corregidora of the Regional Electoral Court of Amazonas (TRE/AM) from May 2022 to May 2024.